It’s no surprise that I *love* decorating with pops of the unexpected. Conversation starters, if you will. This also extends to gifting with something the recipient needs or would fit them perfectly, but they wouldn’t buy for themselves. Anything from an unusual lamp here, a vodka infusion kit there — the best part is surprising […]

Hallelujah, it’s over! We did it! The half-bath is finally done after 8 long weeks. And it’s the high-impact, statement-making, dark and moody half-bath of my dreams. Also, I’m pretty sure I’m never hanging wallpaper in a confined space ever again. At least not one that isn’t empty.  If you want to see videos of […]

This year is a whole lot of firsts. My first year turning my DIY skills into a business. My first year not running an advertising agency in almost a decade. My first year voluntarily owning plants (and fingers crossed, keeping them alive). AND it’s my first year participating as a guest in the One Room […]

Hello world!

Apr 1, 2022

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